Tuesday, June 29, 2010

june 29th

today was the best day i have had since i have been here. we took the kids from del norte (my favorite home) to this park that is a safarri and we rode on this bus that had the roof cut off so it was open and there were wild animals like elephants, camels, zebras, monkeys, lamas, giraffes, and all kinds of things. it was so much fun. we got cups of food and the animals literllay came up to the bus and ate out of our cups. it was so much fun. the kids loved it! except the kid i was paired with, he was only 3 and was so scared he threw a complete fit and wouldnt let me go. he was adorable. i had an absolute blast today. i cant believe i only have 2 more days and then i leave friday morning, provided my flight doesnt get cancelled cause of the tropical storm, please start praying it doesnt. everything is going well here i am so sleepy and worn out i cant wait to sleep in my own room :) but i absolutely love the girls i live with so it all works out! please please pray for this storm that it doesnt affect flights coming in or going out on friday!


  1. Hey Juice, sounds like you had a fun day yesterday. I checked the latest forecast and it looks like the storm's eye will be south of where you are, but there will still be lots of wind and rain where you are. I've been praying all week that you make it to the airport and your flight doesn't get cancelled. We'll keep praying. Can't wait to see you.


  2. Monster, everything will be fine for you to come home. Too much good news has been going on in the family for you to mess it up and not come home in time. The storm will pass you right by and you will be home in no time. Can't wait to hear in person all the exciting things that have been going on in your life. I could use a good god talk. :)



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